Review Article
Advances in Sustainable Battery Technologies: Enhancing Longevity, Recycling, and Alternative Components-- A Review
Tsiye Tekleyohanis Hailemariam*
Tekletsadik Sheworke Birkneh
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
25 July 2024
14 August 2024
27 August 2024
Abstract: The field of sustainable battery technologies is rapidly evolving, with significant progress in enhancing battery longevity, recycling efficiency, and the adoption of alternative components. This review highlights recent advancements in electrode materials, focusing on silicon anodes and sulfur cathodes. Silicon anodes improve capacity through lithiation and delithiation processes, while sulfur cathodes offer high energy density, despite inherent challenges. Recycling technologies are also advancing, with mechanical methods achieving 60% efficiency, hydrometallurgical processes reaching 75%, and pyrometallurgical methods achieving 85% efficiency. These improvements in recycling contribute to a more sustainable lifecycle for batteries. Moreover, the shift towards alternative components, such as organic batteries, sodium-ion batteries, and solid-state batteries, is gaining momentum, representing 10%, 20%, and 15% of the market, respectively. These alternatives address environmental concerns and enhance battery performance and reliability. These developments underscore the importance of ongoing innovation in electrode materials and recycling technologies to overcome current challenges. As the industry continues to evolve, these advancements pave the way for more efficient and environmentally friendly energy storage solutions, promising a sustainable future for battery technologies.
Abstract: The field of sustainable battery technologies is rapidly evolving, with significant progress in enhancing battery longevity, recycling efficiency, and the adoption of alternative components. This review highlights recent advancements in electrode materials, focusing on silicon anodes and sulfur cathodes. Silicon anodes improve capacity through lith...
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Review Article
Investigation of ELectrochemical Behavior of Ferri/Ferrocyanide Redox on Carbon Paste Based Electrodes for Mercury (II) Electrochemical Sensor
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
29 August 2024
13 September 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: The electrochemical characterisation of the materials used to make sensors is mostly based on the cyclic voltametry method. Cyclic voltametry is an electrical method for the dynamic study of electrochemical systems. Through a reversible potential sweep, the material is studied in contact with the ferri/ferrocyanide. Ferri/Ferrocyanide is one of the most studied chemical compounds in electrochemistry and photo-electrochemistry because of its singular known and controlled reactivity. The appearance of voltamorams and mathematical expressions make it possible to collect the information necessary for understanding the reaction. An electrode material is considered active if it shows a reversible peak in contact with the redox marker in cyclic voltametry. The mechanism of the reaction is also assessed using the peak potential difference ΔEp. The nature of the mass transport is determined by the anodic and cathodic peak current ratio Ipa/Ipc. The aim of this work is to compare the electrochemical activity of the Feri/Ferrocyanide couple achieved with carbon paste-based electrodes for application to the electrochemical sensor. The study of the peak potential difference ΔEp showed that the composition of the electrode material influences the reaction mechanism at the interface. Material transport and electronic charge transfer are impacted by complex phenomena. By studying the electrical quantities potential difference ΔEp, formal standard potential E° and current ratio Ipa/Ipc, the electrochemical sensors developed can be optimised.
Abstract: The electrochemical characterisation of the materials used to make sensors is mostly based on the cyclic voltametry method. Cyclic voltametry is an electrical method for the dynamic study of electrochemical systems. Through a reversible potential sweep, the material is studied in contact with the ferri/ferrocyanide. Ferri/Ferrocyanide is one of the...
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